My favorite recipe adapted many times from its original. Always a big hit due to taste of the cookies, and because they are low fat. The perfect on the...
Tart, firm apples bake to juicy tenderness under a delicious topping, which is a cross between cake and biscuit. This goes really nicely with a custard...
These classic apple turnovers have a delicious homemade filling that's baked inside flaky puff pastry triangles. If you do not wish to make the glaze,...
Moist and spicy bar cookies with frosting. An easy and quick after school snack. Also goes great at carry-ins and bake sales. You can also just sprinkle...
This was my Mom's recipe. Easy and quick to make. Apples and walnuts are packed into a cinnamon spiced blonde brownie. Always a hit when I bring it to...
Light and moist dairy-free cupcakes with a pleasant aroma that I invented on the spot. They are delicious, not too sweet, and easy to make. Top with your...
A yummy one-biter! Whenever I ask 'what can I bring?' these top the list! Sweet cinnamon-scented apples held in a buttery crispy oatmeal cup and crunchy...
A moister version of Apple Crisp. I've used this recipe for many years. It has a thick sauce for extra moistness. I always get requests for the recipe...
This is an extremely delicious apple treat! My husband asked if I bought it at the bakery! When cake has cooled, cover with caramel icing for a wonderful...
There are very few Jewish Apple Cake recipes on Allrecipes, so after writing a review for the best one I could find and adding my own tips, I found that...
There are very few Jewish Apple Cake recipes on Allrecipes, so after writing a review for the best one I could find and adding my own tips, I found that...
There are very few Jewish Apple Cake recipes on Allrecipes, so after writing a review for the best one I could find and adding my own tips, I found that...
This super-easy cobbler is great for unexpected company or spur-of-the-moment cravings. The juice from the fruit cooks out to produce enough moisture to...
These classic apple turnovers have a delicious homemade filling that's baked inside flaky puff pastry triangles. If you do not wish to make the glaze,...
Spicy cookies that everyone loves. I've mailed them before and they mail beautifully. I've been making these for about 25 years, and never met anyone yet...